About Us
The Agua Fria Intergroup
The Agua Fria Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous is a committee formed by AA groups in this area, coming together in the spirit of fellowship to create a partnership among AA groups in the community. It exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the message of recovery to the alcoholic who still suffers and is directly responsible to the AA groups that they represent. AFI assists in carrying the message by distributing AA literature, sponsoring AA oriented social events, maintaining a hotline phone number, providing meeting lists and maintaining a website.
Call before you drink...
24 HOUR HOTLINE: 623-937-7770
Agua Fria Intergroup (AFI)
9794 W Peoria Ave, Unit 2
Peoria, Arizona 85345
(In the mall behind Chase Bank)
Phone: 623-937-7836
Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
9am-1pm Sat
Closed Sunday
Email Contact List
General Information - afiinfo@aawestphoenix.org
Chair Person - chairperson@aawestphoenix.org
ViceChair - vicechair@aawestphoenix.org
Treasurer - treasurer@aawestphoenix.org
Secretary - secretary@aawestphoenix.org
Steering Committee - steeringcommittee@aawestphoenix.org
PICPC - picpc@aawestphoenix.org
Website Chair - websitechair@aawestphoenix.org
Unity - unity@aawestphoenix.org
Telephones - telephones@aawestphoenix.org
Newsletter - newsletter@aawestphoenix.org
Office Manager - officemgr@aawestphoenix.org
Archives - archives@aawestphoenix.org
Webmaster - webmaster@aawestphoenix.org
Area Liaison - arealiaison@aawestphoenix.org
H&I Liaison - handiliaison@aawestphoenix.org